It all begins with an idea. An idea to improve the learning for others.

More than 30 years ago I commenced my educational learning adventure. It started with a Diploma of Teaching, then a Bachelor of Education and a Masters in Special and Inclusive Education (Kindergarten to year 12). In those years I birthed 3 beautiful children; 2 with their own unique neurodiverse learning needs.

At the forefront of all of this has been my love of learning; discovering more knowledge about the brain and searching (or creating) for better ways to teach skills to others. There is always a way for people to grow in their learning journey and I have a proven track record to ensure this happens for you too.

In the words of Richard Branson “Being unique doesn’t mean you are flawed. It does not mean you are lazy or stupid. Thinking differently makes you unique and allows for so many different ideas, innovations and adventures to unravel.”

Book a free discovery appointment today if you want to know how I can help you or a loved one’s learning journey.